Субота, 29 Березня, 2025

Your smartphone does not show all settings. How to access hidden Android settings

Your Android hides a number of settings from you. These are not the settings for which you need to flash the smartphone or dive into the insides of the device in some other way. These are settings that are available on a regular smartphone, it’s just that the phone manufacturer didn’t display these settings in the Settings app.

To access the hidden settings of your Android, you will need an app that allows you to run the activities of other apps. For example, use QuickShortcutMaker by sika524.

Unfortunately, QuickShortcutMaker is no longer available in the Google Play Store – Google’s policy forces programmers to withdraw support for their programs. The QuickShortcutMaker app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shortcutq.maker) available on Google Play Store is fake and comes from another developer (Adariono).

You can download the correct QuickShortcutMaker with the name of the installation package com.sika524.android.quickshortcut from the application directories, for example, from the link https://quickshortcutmaker .en.uptodown.com/android/download

Activation of hidden extra reduced screen brightness

Here is a practical example of such a hidden setting in the MIUI firmware on a Xiaomi smartphone – additionally reduced screen brightness. This option makes it more comfortable to read books or flip the pages of websites at night in total darkness, as it reduces the brightness of the screen below the minimum level that is available in the standard brightness slider.

The usual search for setting the extra dim screen is not found. It is also not in the brightness setting section.

But in QuickShortcutMaker, you’ll quickly see that the extra dim feature is present on your phone, just not visible in the Settings app.

Click on this extra dim screen activity and you will be taken to a page of available options for this feature.

You can quickly launch such a hidden option from the smartphone desktop by adding the QuickShortcutMaker widget to the desktop and specifying the activity of the extra dim screen to launch.


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